Time management: who hasn’t struggled with this? Multiple businesses, teaching online, family, friends, recreation, household chores, four-legged family and volunteer activities all compete for the time slots in my daily life. Time slots in my life are almost non-existent. S0, tweaking my schedule often requires eliminating or putting a strain on one or more responsibilities or task. This can lead to anxiety, emotional stress, and resentment.
Add yoga to the list of the many items I need or want to accomplish daily and boom, I am feeling over- overload. Wait, wasn’t yoga supposed to provide me with emotional balance, focus, stability, and better health. These benefits are supposed to enable me to accomplish more daily as I experience more energy and joy. Isn’t joy supposed to add value to my life?

Why is it that now that I am halfway through yoga teacher training I feel like my overloaded schedule might crash?
The answer is because what we tell ourselves will become our reality.
Sometimes we are telling ourselves we don’t have time. The truth is, there is always time for yoga. There is always time for some kind of practice, as the shortest practice can take only a few seconds. So, I decided to look for ways I have been fitting yoga into my overloaded life.
Here are a few ways I have been “fitting” yoga into my daily routine.
1. Focusing on changing my attitude.
I am trying to think of yoga as a way of living. It doesn’t always have to be on a mat, just be in the moment.
2. Focusing on breathing.
Conscious breathing, at any time and in any situation, reminds me to focus on the moment, on how I feel breathing in the future and exhaling the past.
3. Focus on being a mountain.
I smile as I stand like a mountain, my mother always corrected my posture. “Stand tall and straight, shoulders back and don’t slouch!” Tadasana (tall mountain) is truly standing proud like a yogi (making my mother proud) And I have been doing this everywhere (working with a rescue or patient in the clinic).

I would love to hear from you, how do you fit the activities you want into your overloaded schedule?
~ ConnieKayA ~
A Southern Girl sharing her passion for living an abundantly blessed life.