Stress is real. According to some references stress is the basic cause of 60% of all humane illness and disease. Some references believe that up to three out of four doctor’s visits are for stress-related aliments.
Physical symptoms of stress include:
- Weakness, fatigue
- Aches, pains, tense muscles, muscle spasms
- Nausea, heartburn and dizziness
- Chest pain, palpitations, rapid heartbeat
- Frequent colds and infections
- Clenched jaw and teeth grinding
What should you do when you recognize the signs and symptoms of stress?
- Meditate
- Breathe Deeply
- Exercise
- Laugh
- Listen to Music
- Be Grateful
- Accept You Can’t Control Everything
- Stay Positive
- Do Something Fun
Life is short – learn to live stress-free. I would love to hear how you manage stress.
~ ConnieKayA ~
A Southern Girl sharing her passion for living an abundantly blessed life.